Pre-Course Information
On the day/s: All course members must be ready to start promptly, please make sure that you arrive at least 5 minutes in
advance. If you are likely to be late please contact either the office or your instructor.
Failure to be present for the required contact hours is a common reason why candidates are unable to gain the qualification that they require.
For day courses there will be 15-minute breaks in the morning and afternoon and 30 minutes for lunch.
Please bring along some lunch and feel free to bring bottled drinks.
For short courses (4 hours and less) there will be a short 15-minute break. Feel free to bring along a drink if you wish.
You are required to complete a registration form at the beginning of your course. Please ensure that your name and address is written clearly.
To ensure that we follow due diligence and quality control, at the end of your course you will be given an evaluation form to complete. This is compulsory, however can be completed anonymously.
Blended Courses: All blended parts must be completed before the practical session. If you are booking on behalf of someone else, then please ensure they are fully aware of this. If customers do not receive their log in details then we need to know as soon as possible so we can deal with any issues promptly.
Contact hours: Each course has minimum contact hours and you need to complete all of those hours to obtain your certificate. Contact hours are outlined on your booking confirmation. If you have not booked your course personally then please check with the person who did or contact us directly.
Identification: Identity fraud is an issue that we take seriously. When completing the course registration form on the first day, you may be asked to provide a form of identification. The following methods are all acceptable:
• A valid student NUS card.
• An Armed Forces, NHS or other government ID card.
• Photographic id such as driving license or passport.
What to bring: We provide all necessary course materials; you are not required to bring anything with you.
During the course, students will be expected to work on the floor and therefore you should wear appropriate comfortable clothing with flat-heeled shoes. We recommend that female students wear trousers. You are advised to leave jewellery or other valuables at home.
Assessment: Each course has an element of assessment. In order to pass the course attendees are required to take a full and active part in practising all of the procedures and protocols taught to provide for the necessary continual assessment opportunities.
Some courses have written assessments, for example accident report forms. Your instructor will discuss the assessment process at the beginning of your course. Should you have any additional needs or which to discuss the assessment procedure beforehand then please let us know.
Please read – health and safety: Our First Aid training courses are active and practical in nature. If during any part of the practical sessions you feel uncomfortable or in danger, stop and ask the trainer for guidance.
Always be aware of your back when lifting, your knees when kneeling, and as ever assess your own safety first.
Remember personal hygiene e.g. by making sure you wipe your manikin before use.
Course members are expected to behave in a safe reasonable manner towards other participants and equipment.
Student manuals are downloadable, and they are designed to save you taking copious notes, and act as a reference after the course is completed. You will be emailed with a username and password once your details have been uploaded in to the system.
Special needs: Please advise us if you have any special needs, such as access or visibility or any other considerations we may need to plan for in advance. Should you have any injuries, disability or learning difficulty, which could affect your training with us, please contact the office on the above number before course commencement. Anything you discuss with us will be held in strictest confidence.
Please note: We cover injuries and illness in detail, this may remind participants of past events that may, in some instances, be distressing. If you find this happening please bring it to the attention of the trainer sooner rather than later.
After your course ends: Once your course has ended, any written assessments will be uploaded onto the system for marking. Once
marked you will receive an email from our awarding organisation, Pro Trainings, informing you that you have been marked and that your certificate has been ordered.
Certificates are digital and will arrive with the course contact within 72 hours - If you require hard paper copies, then please let us know before course commencement.
If you have any worries, concerns or require further information, please get in touch with us.
We hope that you enjoy your course.