Current legislation for workplace First Aid Kits
Did you know… over 650,000 injuries at work were recorded or reported in during 2016/17? It’s a pretty sobering statistic and just one of...
First Aid Apps - Cyber Saviours?
As we live in a very technical age, it will be no surprise to you that there is technology out there to assist you in a medical...
What is an AED? (No they aren't C3PO's cousin!)
AED's what are they? What do they do and where can you find them? Learn some basic information about AED's in this blog and answer those bur
First Aid training for kids - A skill all children should have
First Aid is a subject that makes some adults cringe and some adults interested, new parents in particular. First Aid produces these...
K.I.S.S Keep it simple..
Most people leave a first aid course with a great deal of knowledge and a little bit of confidence in their ability to handle a medical...
Going under... Don't leave children at risk of drowning
When it comes to summer in Britain we have to grab every second as we never know when it will be gone again. The first sign of that...
Energy or emergency
This month I have decided to take a look into a subject that I myself am guilty of and if am honest I really should have known better. If...